More comfortable cows with Cowcoons and Gel Mattresses

Here are some more images from Pedran Holsteins new building in Pembrokeshire, Wales.
GelMat & Cowcoons - Pedran Holsteins (6)
This building was previously mentioned in October  [ see more here ].  Wilson Agriculture are pleased with the level of cow comfort shown using the Gel Mattresses and Cowcoon stalls.
GelMat & Cowcoons - Pedran Holsteins (4)
GelMat & Cowcoons - Pedran Holsteins (12)
For more information on these products or how Wilson Agriculture design cow housing in order to maximise cow welfare and comfort, please contact us.
GelMat & Cowcoons - Pedran Holsteins (13)
GelMat & Cowcoons - Pedran Holsteins (3)

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