C50 cubicles, Self locks & ZigZag rubber

We have recently completed the first phase of the new cubicle housing for Tom King, Vortex Holsteins, Church Farm, Dorchester.    Tom was the RABDF Gold Cup winner in 2011 and we are proud to work with him.
Vortex Holsteins - C50 sand cubicles
Here you can see our C50 cubicles installed on a post mount.  These work extremely well on sand beds, or with mattresses.
These are installed at Church Farm at 4ft [1220mm] centers, which are perfect for the Vortex Herd.
Vortex Holsteins - C50 sand cubicles
We have also installed all of our Self Locking feed barrier and 6ft [1800mm] of our ZigZag rubber at the feed fence.
Vortex Holsteins - C50 sand cubicles
For more information on our ZigZag rubber view a video here:

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